Sunday, November 2, 2008

"I have bad breath!"

Last night we went out to dinner with my Mom, Dad and Grandma. My parents had just arrived home from a 10 day cruise - lucky them! So, we had to do a lot of chit chat to catch up on what they had done and vise-versa. As conversations are going Samantha starts rummaging though my bag. She pulls out this lip gloss I have and asked if she could use it. I say yes then my mom said "what is that" because the gloss is in a miniature toothpaste looking tube. I proceed to tell her about this great lip gloss I got at Bath & Body Works it glosses your lips but at the same time is disguises your breath (just in case) because it has a strong minty smell. Michael (7 years old) who is very confident, outspoken and has no problem announcing things proceeded to say in a loud voice, "Mom, I have bad breath, can I have some lip gloss?" Well his announcement gave those dinning in the restaurant quite a chuckle. I love when little kids speak truth! Michael always makes us laugh and we are truly thankful he is ours!

1 comment:

Cherie Baker Vann said...

HAHAHHAHAHHA that is hilarious!!! Todd would have told him no :)