Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cleaning fun!!

Today has been very productive day. Cleaned the kitchen, finished the laundry then started to put it all away. Usually, Ed puts all his laundry away but today I thought I'd do it for him. Then it hit me, no really it hit me, when it all comes a tumbling down. This is why my poor Ed can't find anything in his closet, it's because of this... I decided it was time to attack this beast and tame it. My sweet husband has so much on his plate with providing for our family that it's silly of me to make him put his laundry away. So, hopefully my little chore will make his life a little bit easier.


Anonymous said...

little chore oh my gosh that's a HUGE chore! Question - were you buried underneath those clothes? I also love the febreeze in the corner..perfect item in a closet - mine has one too! :) Way to go - I bet it feels so good!!

Cherie Baker Vann said...

WOW! that was a HUGE job! It looks fantastic :)