Monday, May 4, 2009

It's officially Snake Season at the Winslow's

Yes in deed, we had our first rattle snake for the year yesterday. I really hate snakes, they send my heart racing!! Ed was still out of town with the boys, so I went looking for a neighbor to save the day. I found a friendly neighbor and asked him to come kill it for me. Yes, I am a chicken!! This snake was not huge like the last one, this one was a baby - the deadliest kind! I took a picture once it had no head and after I did the grossed out dance. So, my thought today is to always go out of your way to show kindness to your neighbors!! I so appreciate Jim helping me out!!


Anonymous said...

oh my gracious I would die if I saw one - I'd never make to Jim's house in time....literally I think the shock would take me first!!!! You're even brave to take a picture - head or no head!!! lol

Cherie Baker Vann said...